Partner with Duckfund

Expand Your Business Opportunities with Our Unique Soft Deposit Financing Solution
CRE illustration

Who We Are

Duckfund is a pioneering "sign now pay later" service for commercial real estate investors and developers.
We provide rapid financing for earnest money deposits, ensuring a seamless funding process within 48 hours of application.
Our mission is to offer affordable solutions for commercial real estate acquisitions without freezing your capital.

Why Partner with Us

Our partnership program is an excellent opportunity for brokers, title companies, attorneys, and Debt & Equity providers.
By partnering with Duckfund, you can enhance client services, increase your client flow, and benefit from our attractive referral program.

Our Referral Process

Step 1

Identify a Prospect

Find a prospect among your clients or network. Ensure the following requirement are met:
  • Property type: Commercial real estate, residential real estate (acquired for investment purposes), and land acquisitions.
  • US-based deals: we cover all states except CA, HI, UT, and VT.
  • PSA is negotiated between a seller and a buyer but has not yet been signed.
  • Minimum amount of earnest money deposit we finance is $25,000.
  • Minimum Soft Deposit term: 30 days before the deposit becomes non-refundable.
  • Earnest Money Deposit is fully refundable and held by an escrow agent in a "sole order" escrow for the benefit of the buyer.
  • We will request the client to work with one of the top 10 US title companies or our partner title company.
Step 2

Refer the prospect to Duckfund

The Partners guide outlines all client referral options (will be shared after signing of the referral agreement).Provide us with:
  • Draft of PSA and escrow agreement
  • Deal information by completing a questionnaire
Step 3

Receive your partner’s commission

We sign a contract with the Client, receive an upfront option fee, and transfer you your partner’s commission.

Contact Us

Interested in partnering with Duckfund?

Complete the form to join our network of successful partners. Our team is ready to assist you and answer any questions.

What customers say about Duckfund

Become a Part of Our Expanding Network Today and Enhance Your Business Prospects!

CustomersWe helped acquire $1.5B+ worth of properties