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$50,000 for 60 days to secure the deal in Connecticut



In the fast-paced world of real estate transactions, swift liquidity and security are essential. Private Investor sought to acquire a property in Connecticut. The challenge? They needed immediate liquidity to close the deal swiftly.

The challenge:

The main challenge was securing the necessary funds to complete the acquisition within a tight deadline to capitalize on a strategic market opportunity.

The solution:

Duckfund provided soft deposit financing to ensure liquidity was available immediately, allowing The Client to close the deal swiftly and efficiently.

Deal Breakdown:

Purchase Price:$2,772,000
Soft Deposit Term:60 days
Soft Deposit Size:$50,000

Timeline of the deal:

23 Jan
PSA draft submitted
24 Jan
PFA signed
26 Jan
Option agreement signed
LLC registered
PSA signed
27 Jan
Soft deposit transferred

Signed documents:

  • Option agreement Signed by: The Client, Duckfund
  • Purchase facilitation agreement Signed by: The Client, Duckfund
  • Contract of Sale (PSA) Signed by: The Seller, Newly registered LLC

Key Benefits of Partnering with Duckfund:

Swift Turnaround:The Client quickly had liquidity, enabling them to close on the property swiftly.
Risk-Free Process:Thanks to Duckfund’s call option agreement, the transaction was not only quick but also risk-free for the investor.


In the competitive world of real estate, swift action is often the key to success. The Client successfully secured a strategic property with Duckfund's efficient soft deposit service. This case illustrates Duckfund's commitment to providing speed, security, and reliability in soft deposit transactions, making it a valuable partner in the real estate industry.

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