Apply for a simple soft deposit financing with no credit checks

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Soft deposit financing requirements

  • Minimum amount of earnest money deposit we finance is $25,000
  • Property acquisition for commercial purposes
  • Minimum soft deposit term of 30 days
  • US-based deals: we cover all states except CA, HI, UT, and VT
  • Earnest Money Deposit is fully refundable
Duckfund has minimal entry requirements to make the application process swift and the financing decision guaranteed
BenefitWin the deal with a higher depositStand out from the competition by offering a larger deposit. We help you strengthen your offer and increase your chances of securing the property.
BenefitNo collateral requiredForget about providing assets as security. Our process ensures you get the funding you need without tying up your personal property.
BenefitGet your deposit paid in 48hNo more waiting for long approval from banks. Get your deposit covered in 48 hours upon submitting the application.
BenefitWork on multiple dealsDon't limit yourself to a single deal. We accept several applications at once increasing your chances for a successful purchase.

All you need to know

How Duckfund works in 2 minutes

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