$25,000 soft deposit to secure the deal in Texas


In the fast-paced world of real estate transactions, swift liquidity and security are essential. The TX-Based investment fund sought to acquire properties in Dallas County, Texas. The challenge? They needed immediate liquidity.

The Challenge:

The main challenge was securing the necessary funds to tie up the properties for due diligence.

The Solution:

Duckfund provided soft deposit financing, allowing the client to proceed without delay.

Deal Breakdown:

Purchase Price:
Soft Deposit Term:
30 days
Soft Deposit Size:

Timeline of the deal:

1 Nov
2 Nov
3 Nov
PFA signed
Option agreement signed
PSA draft submitted
1 Nov
PSA draft submitted
2 Nov
PFA signed
3 Nov
Option agreement signed
4 Nov
7 Nov
8 Nov
LLC registered
PSA signed
Soft deposit transferred
4 Nov
LLC registered
7 Nov
PFA signed
8 Nov
Soft deposit transferre

Signed documents:

  1. Option agreement
    Signed by: The Client, Duckfund

  2. Purchase facilitation agreement
    Signed by: Signed by: The Client, Duckfund

  3. Contract of Sale (PSA)
    Signed by: The Seller, Newly registered LLC

Key Benefits of Partnering with Duckfund:

Swift Turnaround:

The Client quickly had liquidity, enabling him to promptly secure the properties for due diligence.

Risk-Free Process:

Thanks to Duckfund’s call option agreement, the transaction was not only quick but also risk-free for the investor.


In the competitive world of real estate, swift action is often the key to success. The Client successfully secured a property with Duckfund's efficient soft deposit service. This case illustrates Duckfund's commitment to providing speed, security, and reliability in soft deposit transactions, making it a valuable partner in the real estate industry.

For more insights on how Duckfund can streamline your real estate ventures, don’t hesitate to connect. Together, we can redefine the landscape of real estate transactions!
